How to Reply

Legal disclaimer: I promise to do, or refrain from doing, absolutely nothing, either in any particular timescale or at all, ever. I accept responsibility for absolutely nothing at all whatsoever, including but not limited to any trouble you might get from replying to an advertisement. If you don't like this then don't reply to an ad.

Why this page is here

Cambridge seems to be a sufficiently wired city, particular with most University people having Internet access, that there ought to be an electronic equivalent of the GradPad notice board for advertising bedsits and so on. I couldn't find such a site so I've set up this one.

Terms and Conditions

You reply to any advertisement here at your own risk. All interaction between you and the prospective landlord or tenant is entirely your own business at your own risk. I have absolutely no power whatsoever to intervene in any dispute. All I can do is refuse to accept future advertisements from bad landlords or tenants, and I don't even promise to do that (you can't always tell from a distance whether you are dealing with a bad landlord or a bad tenant, and I will not be interested in spending time finding out).

To reply to an advertisement: follow the instructions given in the ad! - usually a "mailto" link that you can click on to send an email message to the advertiser.

Cambridge Accommodation Notice Board is sponsored by

Brett Ward Limited