Beware of criminals who may attempt to use this notice board (as they use
other media) to perpetrate scams. Some scams involve seemingly genuine
looking advertisements, but if you reply you get an email asking potential
tenants to send money before even viewing the property.
I suggest that you do not part with any money until you have visited the
property and you have a proper signed contract in your hands. This won't
guarantee against fraud, but it will avoid some of the scammers.
If this happens to you please tell the police, and let me have the details
of the advertisements so that I can delete them.
Another scam currently doing the rounds is to email you asking you to call
back on a premium rate (eg 070) number - you get to pay to listen to a
recorded message containing lots of waffle, and there's no real room or
tenant on offer of course.

Largely designed to help me, this page, in that I'd get rather less
email if everyone read this first ...
Most Frequently Asked Question Of All
How do I place an advertisement?
Press the ADVERTISE button and fill in the form.
What ADVERTISE button? I don't see any ADVERTISE button?
Your computer is infected with some malware called "zonealarm",
which takes it upon itself to delete the ADVERTISE button from the page, without
troubling to ask you first whether that's what you want and without
troubling to tell you afterwards that that's what it's done. Your options include:
(a) find out how to fiddle with zonealarm's settings to stop this behaviour;
(b) uninstall zonealarm; (c) try again from some other computer which is not
infected with zonealarm.
Questions from Everybody
Where have the TO LET and WANTED pages gone?
They've gone. Almost nobody actually needs to see
these full listings, and they were eating a lot of expensive bandwidth. If
you really need to see all the TO LET or WANTED ads you can
do this by choosing suitable search criteria.
What have you done to the order of the advertisements?
I've provided a number of different orders in which you
might like to see the search results presented. I'm tracking how often people
use which options, and might drop any that are rarely used; if there's one
you'd like that isn't there please let me know.
Advertisers' Questions
What's this <a href= gibberish?
This is part of the coding that's inserted by the
"Add email address" button, and it is necessary to make your mail address
into a link that can be clicked to send you email. If your email address
is someone@example.com then the code generated
by the "Add email address" button is:
<a href="mailto:someone@example.com>someone@example.com</a>
and when your ad appears the email address will
look like
someone@example.com so that
people can click directly on your email address to send you an email.
So, if the "Add email address" button inserts stuff like this that you don't
understand into your ad, please just leave it alone! - if you fiddle with it
the result is quite likely broken HTML coding, and I've either got to fix it for you or
reject that ad and ask you to fix it yourself. You can work out for yourself
which it is quicker and easier for me to do and hence which is most likely
if I'm in a hurry.
Why hasn't my ad appeared yet?
Probably because I haven't looked at it yet. I look at
every ad and decide whether or not to approve it for display on the
site; this way I can filter out the ads for Russian porn, get-rich-quick
schemes and so on. Sometimes I'm sitting in front of a computer and
check and approve ads within minutes of them being submitted; sometimes
I'm doing other things and you might have to wait for many hours.
Will I be told when my ad has been accepted?
No. At present you get an automatic email when
you submit the ad, and if I reject the ad you'll get an email explaining
the rejection. But if I accept the ad it will just appear on the
site without any further emails to you. If advertisers want me to send
them emails when their ads are accepted I can easily change the software
to do this, but nobody has asked me to yet.
Why hasn't my ad appeared yet even though later numbered ones have?
Possibly because you've put it on the wrong page - it's not unknown
for someone to accidentally submit an ad to the HOLIDAY page and then wonder why it
doesn't appear on the WANTED page. Please check for this before emailing me.
Possibly because I've rejected it, in which case an email will have
been sent to the email address you gave explaining the reason for rejection.
Possibly because you gave an invalid email address when you
submitted the ad. I will reject ads with invalid email addresses, and you won't
get the emails explaining the rejection because they will be sent to the invalid
email address. If you want your ad displayed please enter a valid email address.
How can I get a picture in my ad?
You can upload up to four pictures as part of the ad submission
process. The site will resize the pictures for you as needed (but won't rotate
them - so if you upload a sideways picture it will appear sideways on the site).
Please can you delete ad no. xxxx for me?
You can delete your ad yourself. Click on the reference
number for the ad, or on the EDIT/DELETE button, and fill in your
password. Please email me only if something goes wrong, in which case
please tell me exactly what went wrong.
My ad is about to expire - can you extend it for me please?
You can do this yourself. Click on the reference
number for the ad, or on the EDIT/DELETE button, and fill in your
password. Then you can change the expiry date. Please email me only if
something goes wrong, and tell me exactly what went wrong.
My ad has expired - can you reinstate it for me please?
You can do this yourself. An "expired" ad is still in the
system, it just has an expiry date in the past. Click on the EDIT/DELETE button, and fill in your
password. Then you can change the expiry date to some time in the future.
Please email me only if something goes wrong, and tell me exactly what went wrong.
I've deleted my ad but I want it back - can you reinstate it for me please?
You can do this yourself. A "deleted" ad is still in the
system, it just has an expiry date in the past. Click on the EDIT/DELETE button, and fill in your
password. Then you can change the expiry date to some time in the future.
Please email me only if something goes wrong, and tell me exactly what went wrong.
Why have you rejected my ad as a duplicate?
Because that's what it looks like, either to my software or
to me. The same person may not have two WANTED ads current at the same time;
there may not be two TO LET ads for the same property at the same time. If the
second WANTED ad is actually one you've submitted for a friend, or the second
TO LET ad is actually for a different property (or a different room in the same house),
then please let me know. I do
try to spot and approve ads from regular advertisers who I know don't try to abuse the
system, but I don't always have time to read ads properly and I can make mistakes.
Why have you rejected my ad as a duplicate when I've already deleted the old one?
Because that's how I choose to run my web site. I do not allow
you to "recycle" an old ad and make it look like a new one. This is because it will
be irritating to readers of the site who have already read your ad and decided it isn't
interesting; they don't want to re-read the same thing every day disguised
as a "new" ad.
Why have you rejected my ad as a duplicate when it's not the same?
I do not allow
you to "recycle" an old ad and make it look like a new one, not even if you make some
trivial changes to the wording. If you make important changes, such that someone who
as already decided your ad is not interesting to them might want to re-read it and
change their mind, such as a (significantly) lower rent, then I will allow the old
ad to be replaced by the new one. (But sometimes I don't read them carefully enough
to spot the difference; if you think this has happened to you please let me know.)
How soon after deleting an ad will I be able to submit a replacement?
If you delete an ad and wait long enough before resubmitting it the
duplicate detection software won't think it's a duplicate. How long is "long enough"
is something that I might vary from time to time; at the moment a week should do it.
But I need my ad back at the top of the page because I'm not getting any more replies?
Sorry, if I allowed people to delete and resubmit ads unchecked
then everybody would do it every day and it would be impossible for the important
people, the ones reading the site, to know what is really new and worth
reading. Now, if you've already had several replies to your ad but failed to
find anybody or anywhere suitable, maybe there's something wrong with what you're
offering? You might have the price wrong, you might have other Ts&Cs wrong, the
wording in your ad might be attracting the wrong people. Whatever, you might do
better to consider what could be wrong, as simply resubmitting the ad unchanged might, even
if I allowed you to do it, simply produce more useless replies that don't result
in the business being done.
Cambridge Accommodation Notice Board is maintained
by Tim Ward