Privacy and Security Policy
Beware of criminals who may attempt to use this notice board (as they use
other media) to perpetrate scams. Some scams involve seemingly genuine
looking advertisements, but if you reply you get an email asking potential
tenants to send money before even viewing the property.
I suggest that you do not part with any money until you have visited the
property and you have a proper signed contract in your hands. This won't
guarantee against fraud, but it will avoid some of the scammers.
If this happens to you please tell the police, and let me have the details
of the advertisements so that I can delete them.
Another scam currently doing the rounds is to email you asking you to call
back on a premium rate (eg 070) number - you get to pay to listen to a
recorded message containing lots of waffle, and there's no real room or
tenant on offer of course.

- Look, this is an advertising site. Anything you put into an advertisement
will be published - that's the whole point.
- I request a valid email address from advertisers so that I can contact them with
any queries.
- It is, however, up to the advertiser whether or not they want the
email address to appear in the advertisement.
- I will use the email address to send
emails regarding the management of the advertisement.
- I may use the email address
to send emails regarding the overall management of the site not connected to the
specific advertisement, but so far I have never done so.
- It is not my intention to use the email address for anything else or to pass it
to third parties.
- You will appreciate that a spammer could harvest email addresses from the site.
- This site uses cookies. The site itself uses cookies to remember your search
criteria from one visit to the site to the next. In addition Google services used
by the site (Adsense and Maps) probably use cookies. For details of the usage of these third
party cookies you could try looking on the Google web site.
- Some pages contain client-side scripting. This is all optional - the site will
work if you are sufficiently paranoid to turn off scripting or if your browser
doesn't support scripting.
- Database security is largely up to my ISP, not me. The idea is that a hacker
should not find it easy to read or change the database and hence advertisements
whether published, deleted or rejected.
Cambridge Accommodation Notice Board is maintained
by Tim Ward